02\/28\/2024 - Short video, kelp, and online OA course!<\/a><\/div>
01\/08\/2024 - New Storymap, OA Day of Action, and Salmon Studies<\/a><\/div>
10\/05\/2023 - Kelp, Kodiak and Alkalinity<\/a><\/div>
06\/29\/2023 - Labs, legislation and how warming water affects OA<\/a><\/div>
03\/21\/2023 - Mooring, Maps and a Movie<\/a><\/div>
11\/18\/2022 - Cruises, crab and carrots<\/a><\/div>
05\/24\/2022 - Crab, salmon and sharks!<\/a><\/div>
04\/26\/2022 - Register now for session #4: Ocean acidification mitigation and adaptation<\/a><\/div>
04\/15\/2022 - Register now: Ocean acidification and commercial species<\/a><\/div>
04\/08\/2022 - Ocean Acidification Discussion #3: Commercial species impacts<\/a><\/div>
03\/28\/2022 - Register now for OA Discussion Series #2: Subsistence and mariculture<\/a><\/div>
03\/18\/2022 - Reminder: register for Discussion Series #1 - Regional Conditions<\/a><\/div>
02\/25\/2022 - Announcing the Alaska Ocean Acidification Spring Discussion Series<\/a><\/div>
01\/21\/2022 - Ten OA talks and posters at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium!<\/a><\/div>
12\/01\/2021 - Reminder: 5-minute survey<\/a><\/div>
11\/19\/2021 - 5 minute Survey<\/a><\/div>
11\/18\/2021 - Species response, special issue, and solutions to OA<\/a><\/div>
09\/29\/2021 - Introducing: The Future Ocean Podcast!<\/a><\/div>
09\/09\/2021 - Global Ocean Acidification Week - Sept 13-17<\/a><\/div>
07\/07\/2021 - Crabbers, coastlines, and Captain Casto<\/a><\/div>
04\/28\/2021 - Satellites, Tsunami Bowl, and support for hybrid fishing vessels<\/a><\/div>
02\/12\/2021 - Bering Sea insights, new video, and meet Kris Holderied<\/a><\/div>
01\/08\/2021 - OA Day of Action<\/a><\/div>
12\/21\/2020 - Happy Holidays from the Alaska OA Network<\/a><\/div>
11\/11\/2020 - Welcome Sheyna Wisdom<\/a><\/div>
10\/22\/2020 - Gulf conditions, Arctic missions and a cool demo<\/a><\/div>
07\/30\/2020 - Mollusks, models and meet Tom Hurst<\/a><\/div>
07\/16\/2020 - AOOS Seeking New Executive Director<\/a><\/div>
05\/29\/2020 - Spring, shrimp, and social distance on ships<\/a><\/div>
02\/27\/2020 - 3 videos, meet a scientist, and learn about alkalinity enhancement<\/a><\/div>
12\/19\/2019 - Happy Holidays - a 2019 science update, and on to 2020!<\/a><\/div>
10\/31\/2019 - Return of the Ferry, end of the Dinosaurs, and an OA Bibiographic Database<\/a><\/div>
08\/02\/2019 - Glaciers, Gulf of Alaska and Global efforts<\/a><\/div>
05\/28\/2019 - Fish, ferries and fourth graders<\/a><\/div>
03\/27\/2019 - Bering Sea, Bill in DC, and meet the Photosynthesistahs<\/a><\/div>
02\/19\/2019 - OA talk in Juneau Feb 20 - catch it live streamed<\/a><\/div>
01\/23\/2019 - Kits, clams and a lot of OA talks next week<\/a><\/div>
12\/20\/2018 - You wanted to know this year's OA holiday theme song...<\/a><\/div>
11\/16\/2018 - State of the Science, Savoonga, and Switgard Duesterloh<\/a><\/div>
09\/28\/2018 - Slowing down OA, state policy, and salmon<\/a><\/div>
08\/30\/2018 - Southeast Alaska stepping up, crabby science, and droning (with sails)<\/a><\/div>
07\/31\/2018 - Drones, clams and dancing<\/a><\/div>
05\/31\/2018 - OA and Harmful Algal Blooms, State ferry illuminates seasonal trends, and meet Stephen Payton<\/a><\/div>
05\/18\/2018 - Webinar: Ocean Acidification in Alaska - Ecosystems and Economies (5\/21)<\/a><\/div>
04\/30\/2018 - Status of Alaska species impacts, Kodiak Island research, and meet Lauren Bell<\/a><\/div>
04\/03\/2018 - Carbon Policy Webinar - April 5<\/a><\/div>
03\/30\/2018 - Premiering "Ask a Scientist" Video series, new research findings, and a collaborative web platform<\/a><\/div>